Junior High Band
Grading Tips


Early Morning Rehearsals (5% of grade) - At the beginning of the year the students were given a schedule of all the early morning rehearsals or sectionals (See EMR Calendar). The rehearsals were held alternating with Jazz Band before school. Each student was scheduled for at least one rehearsal each quarter with just his section, occasionally as brass or woodwinds, and full-band rehearsals before concerts. If they were on time they received 5 points (5%). The later they were the fewer points they received- - one point was deducted for every 10 minutes of tardiness.

Attendance (5% of grade) - Since band is a participation class, attendance is crucial. The students were required to have perfect attendance or make up the rehearsals they missed. An absence could be made up by practicing an extra 20 minutes in the band room before or after school. To accommodate students who rode the bus, the extra practice didn't have to be done all at once.

Video Disclaimer

The attached videos are not perfect examples of how each tune should be played. They are recordings of junior high students, some of whom have had their instruments for only a few months. Also, they are not professional recordings. They were taken by band parents using home equipment and naturally focusing on their own children.

I include them for two reasons: (1) To give you an idea of what the arrangements are like, and (2) To illustrate the kind of performance you can expect from your junior high students.