Junior High Band
Miscellaneous Forms

Keep Accurate ID Cards

One of the directors I observed recommended the use of ID Cards. The first week of school I had the students fill out cards with their name, their instrument model and serial number, their locker number, etc. (See figure) Although that was information you would think parents would have on file, many did not. Several times during my career we were able to recover stolen instruments because I had the necessary information. The five instruments stolen before we had adequate instrument storage were all recovered because I had the cards.

ID Card

Video Disclaimer

The attached videos are not perfect examples of how each tune should be played. They are recordings of junior high students, some of whom have had their instruments for only a few months. Also, they are not professional recordings. They were taken by band parents using home equipment and naturally focusing on their own children.

I include them for two reasons: (1) To give you an idea of what the arrangements are like, and (2) To illustrate the kind of performance you can expect from your junior high students.