Regarding the website content
Holy moley, your website is great! The thing I like most about your site is that it is so genuine. Having actually spent significant time with you in your classroom I can confirm that you truly do embody everything you've published. Nothing made-up, imagined, or even embellished--just the truthful inner workings of a well-oiled program that produced a myriad of talented musicians.
Michael Whatcott
Springville Middle School
Your website is a great resource and I appreciate your hard work at putting it together. Everything posted on this website exhibits your passion for teaching music, and inspires me to be a better music teacher.
Kyle Handfield
You were a very thorough teacher and I have often suggested to my music education students here at Snow College that they model their teaching after yours. Now I have a resource that I can refer them to for a more detailed explanation of your teaching model.
Madeline Johnson
Snow College
Ten million thanks, and blessings be upon your head Mr. Hill!
Josh Rasmussen
Ephraim Middle School
I really love your website, and especially your humor. It made me wish I was a new band director again and had this as a resource.
John Talcott
Retired Band Director
When I found this website I thought, "what a goldmine!" I just started the year as a 5-12 band director following a legend. Junior High has by far been my most challenging class. Thank you for making this resource website, it will be of great use to me!
Bryan Kujawa
In response to advice given about growing a program and student retention (See Program Survival Tips)
I can't say how much I appreciate the time you are putting into answering
my questions so thoroughly. As of late, I have been feeling a great weight
on my shoulders and knots in my stomach and it's nice to know that I have
such a knowledgeable ally.
Brittany Fehr, Lakeridge Jr. High
Orem, UT
Regarding Music "Winners" (See Music Winners)
I appreciate your list on your website. Honestly, when I meet with other directors one of the things I always ask them is “what is a good piece for ____________ concert?” and I’ll write them down. Years of hearing and also seeing them in practice is an invaluable thing that new teachers like myself can draw on. So, I appreciate you making a list that does just what I need.
Michael Crookston, Rocky Mountain Jr. High
West Haven, UT